2023 MPSF Newsletter

“Education is simply the soul to society, as it passes from one generation to another.” G.K.

From 1997 through 2022, The Meridian Public School Foundation has been able to provide
1065 scholarships, totaling $1,303,720 to Meridian High School seniors and alumni. From our
inception in 1997 to 2010, scholarships were allocated only for current Meridian High School
graduates. However, in 2011, the Board voted to include alumni in the application process. In
the last two years, the foundation has awarded a quarter of a million dollars to seniors and
alumni. Currently, the foundation has 15 Endowments and 1 Trust. Our Laurel community has
limited economic base, so this is a testament to the generosity of our donors, many of whom
are (were) our alumni and/or district personnel. Through prudent financial management and as
minimal overhead as possible, the foundation has been able to make the most of these
The application process and awarding of scholarships happens each spring. In March, students
can apply online. The Scholarship Committee then reviews the applications and schedules
individual interviews via “zoom”. The benefit of these virtual interactive video meetings allows
the Foundation to obtain a well- rounded student narrative and their post- secondary goals.
The interview with the alumni facilitates the tracking of the student’s academic progress and
personal growth. Most of the recipients express a desire to return to live in Whatcom County
and continue to be a part of the Meridian Community after their post-secondary graduation.
Current Meridian School District teachers, who were foundation scholarship recipients, are:
Robert Kratzig, Bryant Michaelson, Shannon Claeys, and Lainey Brennen. Current MPSF Board
Members, who were former recipients, are: Brady Emmons, and Maggie Miller (Chambers).
For over 20 years, the primary MPSF fundraiser is an annual Golf Tournament, held on the last
Saturday of June at a local golf course in the Meridian Community. This year’s tournament will
be hosted at North Bellingham Golf Course. The monies raised cover 10-12 scholarships. This
tournament is particularly important this year to maintain our funding allocations. During our
boys and girls home basketball games, our Foundation Vice President, Mark Terpsma, is hosting
a table with information about MPSF Scholarships and the Golf Tournament. He is ready to
meet community members, parents, and students to help provide information on MPSF and its

upcoming tournament. Further information is also available on Facebook, and our website.

The following letters are from former scholarship recipients willing to share their recent
post-secondary experiences since graduation from Meridian High School.
The views expressed are of the individuals and do not reflect the views of the foundation, its
board members, or our donors.
Paul Kratzig
MPSF President